Today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. There is no wrong way to give. Acts of kindness, volunteering, posting colourful art and chalk drawings around your neighbourhood, or if you are in a position to give funds to your favourite cause, please consider making a local donation to a charity in need. Any act of generosity counts, and don’t forget to share your acts of kindness to help inspire others!


To celebrate #givingtuesday and #inthistogetherky, today RE/MAX Cayman Islands made a CI $2,000 donation to The Cayman Food Bank. In addition, we will match any donation to The Cayman Food Bank using #inthistogetherky up to an additional CI $2,000.


The Cayman Food Bank is a core hunger-relief organization comprised of programs such as the island’s central Food Bank, Meal and Foodstuff Delivery, and Wellness and Sustainability Education. They strive to help feed the most vulnerable populations – children, families and seniors. To efficiently and effectively fight hunger, their multi-tiered approach and comprehensive programs are dedicated to nourishing the community while empowering lives.


Together we stand. Feeding the Need throughout Grand Cayman.


Together we will get through this. #inthistogetherky